Have a Question? Here is how you can reach us:
Email: lavishcfashion@gmail.com
Text Only: (626) 622-9880
(We Do Not Answer Phone Calls)
Note: We do not respond to ANY text messages that are sent during non business hours and on weekends/holidays. Please see our customer service hours below.
(Please allow up to 24/48 Hours for us to get back to you via text/email).
Business Hours:
Tuesday - Thursday 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM (Pacific Standard Time)
Friday 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM (Pacific Standard Time)
CLOSED Saturday-Monday
We are Closed on the Following Holidays:
January 1 New Years Day
January 21 Martin Luther King Jr Birthday
February 12 Lincoln's Birthday
February 18 Washington's Birthday
May 27 Memorial Day
July 4 Independence Day
September 2 Labor Day
October 14 Columbus Day
November 11 Veterans Day
November 28-29 Thanksgiving Day
December 23-25 Christmas Day